Ever wonder why rates increase? -I had no accidents or tickets why did my rate go up? The answer is easy, but if no one ever explains to you how insurance works then it’s hard to understand, so you are not alone! Insurance by definition is: a transfer of risk The higher your risk, the […]
If you are reading this, I’m sure the title may have caught your attention! GREAT! I assume, you, as most people, assume that cost of insurance is the most important factor when looking for auto insurance? What if I told you it is NOT! Not even close! The most important part of your policy is […]
Liability. What the heck is this all about? Well, it’s the MOST important part of your auto insurance policy! Surprised? Most people are. Let me help you understand it.Most clients only know auto insurance as either “Liability Only” or “Full Coverage”. We will address Full Coverage later, but for now, let’s focus on “Liability Only”.Liability […]
A common issue in the industry relates directly to the tag on your car. Most clients find this out the hard way when they receive a notice from the DMV stating a fine that is due or a notice that their license has been suspended. This is an easy fix & is very preventable. This […]