Liability. What the heck is this all about? Well, it’s the MOST important part of your auto insurance policy! Surprised? Most people are. Let me help you understand it.
Most clients only know auto insurance as either “Liability Only” or “Full Coverage”. We will address Full Coverage later, but for now, let’s focus on “Liability Only”.
Liability Only is the cheapest way to get insurance. Period. Why? Well, it doesn’t protect your automobile at all, only others.
In the event of an at-fault accident, it provides coverages for other people & other peoples stuff. Let me give you an example…..
Let’s assume you are driving on State Minimum auto insurance for Liability & property damage. That only covers $25,000 currently. Let’s assume you injure another person & their medical expenses are $40,000. That leaves you on the hook for $15,000. Your insurance will only pay the policy limits. Pull out the checkbook, because it’s time to pay! This also applies to property damage as well!
THE GOAL OF INSURANCE IS TO PROTECT YOUR ASSETS! No one ever wants to write that check & you don’t have to. This is why your liability limits coverages are the most important part of your auto policy! Have more questions, call us. We will assist you in making sure you understand your coverages, from start to finish! It’s just what we do. Looking for an Insurance company that just isn’t trying to sell you a cheap policy, but in fact actually cares about YOU? You’re reading the right post & you have access to the right people. Call or text us. 864.707.1005